Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Man United glory hunters reach the US

There's the Yankees, the Cowboys, the Heat and now Manchester United. 

Not much of a surprise here, but Manchester United appears to be the most popular football club in America, based on Facebook data of which teams have the most likes by state. 

Man U clearly has the state by state advantage, while Barcelona controls coastal states California, New York, New Jersey and Florida, to name a few. 

Rhode Island is the lone state that doesn't count either team as its favorite, leaving that honor to Real Madrid, a fact which Deadspin links to Real Madrid star and Portugal countryman Christiano Ronaldo and the large Portuguese-American population in the state.

Just like most of America to grab on to the Dallas Cowboys of soccer.

If you're picking a team, I suppose success is one of the factors you consider, but don't people want to experience the shame, emabrassment, pain and suffering of supporting a team like West Ham or Birmingham?

-Nick Hatcher 

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